John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
This bible verse was the first thing that came up to my mind when I saw this question. What would Jesus want us to do for the Sawi? John 3:16 is the only bible verse that I have memorized, but I thought this verse went very well with the question. So, what does Jesus want us to do for the uncivilized people like the Sawi? In my opinion, I think Jesus wants us to do what he did for us. This doesn't mean we should get a cross and crucify ourselves, but we should live and spread the word of God like Jesus did. In my opinion, receiving mercy, forgiveness, and love is probably what I would consider as being "happy" or "thankful." Since the Sawi civilization never experienced gaining any type of love from God, they probably wouldn't know how it feels like to be forgived also. In addition, the Sawi probably have different standards that they consider as "sin" and they way they seek for forgiveness is probably very different from modern Christians. Since God sent his son Jesus in order to clense our sins, we should probably help the Sawi get to know God better in order to cleanse the sins that the Sawi have. Since Jesus served us with all his strength, I think that we should serve the Sawi like Jesus served us. Overall, in my opinion, putting others first, and serving them like Jesus served us is what probably Jesus wants us to do for the Sawi. |
John 3:16 is also the only verse that I memorized! But actually I think that one verse is powerful enough to reflect many things. First of all, it reflects God’s unconditional love to us, and it also indirectly reveals that we should spread the words of God to others who are unaware of Christianity but they must be informed to all the others because believing in words of God is the only way to the heaven. But I think present missionaries, such as Don Richardson, are doing great job in informing people the knowledge about God. However, some skeptics might say that Christinas have no right to other uncivilized places to give out medicines and other technology to uncivilized groups in order to draw into their religion. How should we response to this skeptics? Additionally, there also might be many tribes in different cultures who might reject God and stick to their own faith believing that theirs’ is the only truth. How do think that we should treat people who are opposed to any foreign belief but adhering only to their principles? Should we be allowed to force them?