The Sawi and our modern society have distinct differences, but also have many in common. Lets go with the difference first. The Sawi and our modern society live in a very different atmosphere. While we live in a fast-paced world, filled with technologies to enhance our lifestyle, the Sawi are very barbaric and primative. In our world, cellphones, internet, and transportation systems have become an essential part of our life. Without these technological devices or transportation methods, it would be very hard for us to continue on with our daily tasks or activities. While people whine and complain slow when these technology sometimes malfunction or run slow, the Sawi seem to never complain about their lifestyle. Rather than complaining, I think that the Sawi make the most out of what they have. With their primitave tools, they build the most efficient houses and other utilities that they need for their survival. It seems that the Sawi are thankful for what they have, and they worship the nature while the people in our modern society tend to pollute nature and want more when they have enough. Similarities, however, exist between two cultures. The similarities may not sound good, but murder, treachery, and warfare are all similarities that both cultures have. The Sawi also seek pleasure like our society does with sexual relationship. It seems that even though materialistic value may be different among the two culture, the inner nature of human is inevitable whether you belong to the Sawi or to the modern world. |
Yes the tenants of the Sawi culture seem different at face value but the root of our culture and Sawi culture are the same - sinful in nature. Mrs.Mc.