Monday, January 29, 2007
How did Christianity change this culture (Sawi)?
As Don taught the Sawi about God and the religion of Christianity, the Sawi had significant changes in their lifestyle. At first, the Sawi were a very barbaric tribe, practicing cannibalism and killing people without much guilt. Also, it was common for them to take matters into their own hands, rather than leaving issues in the hands of God since they did not know the presence of God back then. When twins were born, one had to die since it was a sign of good and evil. When someone was sick, they were killed since that was a sign of the sould escaping the sick one's body. Such barbaric and primative way of life changed dramatically as Don came to the Sawi nation. As the Sawi got to know God better, and the concept of forgiveness of their sins by Jesus, they were willing to show changes in their life like Jesus showed the world. They abandoned cannibalism, and other sorts of killing like killing one of the baby if twins were born. Also, they learned to wait and put matters into God's hands, rather than taking matters into their own hand. They did not favor war anymore, but favored peace rather than war. Through a symbolic figure named Jesus, very similar to the peace child, the Sawi ultimately learned the concept of Christianity and how they were to be saved.
posted by Justin An @ 8:28 PM  
  • At January 30, 2007 at 3:37 PM, Blogger Alan Sohn said…

    Christianity had such a great impact to the Sawi people spiritually and mentally. Their superstitious culture had changed to the dependence of God that their way of dealing with issues had turned into a peaceful way from a barbaric way. Basically and essentially, their way of thinking and perceiving of things had reversed. The Sawi people dealed and perceived things in a Christian way. As Don came and preacehd "the good news" to the Sawi people, the state of their faith and morality had drastically gotten better.

  • At January 31, 2007 at 9:47 PM, Blogger alice said…

    I like how you explained the changes of the Sawi Culture through Christianity in a descriptive way. Christianity definitely influenced the Sawi in great extent. It is ridiculous to think about killing babies or sick people, but thankfully, God has rescued them from their barbarian culture through Don Richardson. God's way of loving the people and changing their life always surprise me.

  • At February 1, 2007 at 1:46 AM, Blogger Hanminsage said…

    It is truly amazing how God's love could change a culture so drastically. God created peace. If only a few years of God's teaching can trump hundreds years of cannibalistic and treacherous traditons it seems God's power is unlimited.

  • At February 28, 2007 at 8:48 PM, Blogger African Globe Trotters. said…

    Yes Justin your approach and treatment of this post is sound. You have understood the themes of this work and your explanation thorough. Mrs.MC

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